"The weak ask for forgiveness. The strong move forward, leaving no room for regret."

- Shan'do Rageheart


 The Demon Hunter 

  •  Age   8,350

  •  Race   Highborne

  •  Height   7'7" // 230 cm

A wrathful, elusive individual walking the line between two worlds, Sulfar Nightfall, without hesitation, walks upon a dagger's edge - the pitfalls of demons, monsters and creatures of the abyss to his left, and the ancient taboos, bloody politics and venomous lies of mortal men to his right. It is with a blind righteousness that he will seek to eradicate all seen and unseen evils, just or unjust in their execution. His is a life cloaked in the shadow of war, yet blinded by contradiction, as each adventure becomes a battlefield and every step is one closer to death. He has fought across countless frontiers, such is the duty allotted this hunter. With a few companions at his side, he tries to bring some light to a foreboding world. Only time will tell where this road will lead, and if the demon hunter can become something more than the weapon his Shan'do created.


In the present day, the hallowed halls of Eldre'thalas are haunted with the echoes of a once glorious civilization brought to ruin. Sulfar Nightfall was one so many caught up in the destined doom that inevitably befell this remnant of the Highborne Empire. Born without the capacity to utilize the arcane, the Highborne was seen as worse than a Kaldorei for his lack of ability. In spite of this crippling disability, his physical prowess was second to none, yet eventually, he was marked to be sacrificed, offered up by his own blood to the Prince in his demonic scheme. With the aid of a trusted ally, he felled Eldre'thalas. In spite of his escape, Sulfar fell into the clutches of a dark savior, Maralon Rageheart, a demon hunter of some renown, who took the youth under his cruel wing. With a pact formed and a goal of cutting the demonic rot from Eldre'thalas' heart, over the millennia, the young Highborne learned the ways of the Demon Hunter.During those two thousand years of instruction, he met Alissera Reth'aran, a Kaldorei from a nearby village. A romance bloomed between the pair, though their paths were sundered when Sulfar finished his dark ascension. Undergoing the forbidden rites and ancient rituals of becoming a hunter, he disregarded all but the hunt. His growing obsession unleashed him across Azeroth, where he learned of the horrors that lurked in the shadowed corners of their world, and beyond. Eons passed as his experience, knowledge, and wisdom grew, even mentoring a rare few demon hunters under his own hand. After six thousand years, Sulfar once more stood within the halls of Eldre'thalas, having gained allies and supporters on his journey. They attempted to stop the mass sacrifice of the Highborne population, but ultimately, they failed. That brief group of individuals was scattered to the wind some traveling across the vast sea once the dark tragedy of Eldre'thalas had settled, and others remained confined to Kalimdor.Sulfar, for his part, hunted alone, a dark wraith rarely seen and hardly interacting with the populace of Azeroth. The failure, the guilt, the sorrow all an echo from Eldre'thalas clung to the man like an oppressive darkness. With each step, he lost a little more of who he once was, becoming naught but a hollow shell, a hunter stalking the endless night. Journeying to the Black Temple when Illidan announced his call to arms against the Legion, Sulfar assisted many in reaching Outland becoming a Shan'do, guiding countless hunters in their ascension. He left the temple once Stormrage's insanity became more apparent, disappearing like so many others. In recent times, he has been involved in the majority of major conflicts in Azeroth and has found renewed hope in a group of adventurers, along with a rekindled relationship with the sorceress Alissera Reth'aran. Where the demon hunter's journey will end, only time will tell, but with the embers of friendship and family warming his heart, maybe he can become something more than the weapon his master created.

(The text above is a summaries version of Sulfars history, its subject to change and further elaboration)

Alissera Reth'aran

"Words do not do Alissera justice, as the howling wind only allude to the beauty and the terror of the storm. This woman has changed my life and continues to for the better. In the bleak world I live in, she is and will always be my guiding light."

Valodriel Wavesinger

"A bitter enemy, a trusted friend, and an ever present rival. We've ventured into the abyss, and returned to tell the tale. I trust him with my life and the lives of those I care for. Yet, ever present is our bloodied past haunting each step we take. "

Nor'andir Starforge

"I see how he looks at me, with admiration. I find I'm proud of the man you've become, and hero you will be. A familial feeling grips me and it terrifies me, with its promise. Yet it remains frozen and stunted by the memory of Eldre'thalas."

Sylvari Windsong

"Druids. I should hate them, but there’s her. She reminds me of Kaldorei arrows and snarling sabers. Trauma and trust are strange bedfellows. I care for her, but from afar. I trust, but not too close you never know when a Kaldorei will show their fangs."

Talias Daywing

"A coin has two sides, and Talias is that other side. I may disagree with his methods, and manner. I cannot deny, it has its merits. I trust his intentions, appreciate his prospective, and detest his demeanour. Well, not always."

Gideon Blackmyre

"I dislike humans on principle, but if there was one individual who represented the best humanity has to offer. It is Gideon Blackmyre, with the valour and nobility, all his kind should strive for. I count him amongst those I trust despite his species."

Rose of Boralus

"Any great adventure needs a storyteller to do the telling, one wise enough and brave enough to watch legends unfold. The Rose of Boralus is such a man, he has exceeded my expectations despite his species and is amongst those I trust and care for."

Asme Daywing

"I once lead demon hunters into battle, that time has passed. While many have tried walking in my footsteps, its Asme Daywing I consider my equal. The paths we walk may have diverged, yet I'm proud of the Huntress, the Leader she has become."


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 Roleplay Hooks 

With a life as long as Sulfar's, you've seen most things. Due to the length of time I've played this character, I have attended a lot of major server campaigns, done events related to patches, or enemy threats throughout the lifecycle of WoW since Wrath of the Lich King, and to the present day. So whether it is the Siege of Orgrimmar, Argus, or the Visions of N'zoth, I have done RP relating to all of these things, spinning it in my own unique way that makes sense for the character I'm playing. While the below is a 'taster' of hooks, this is to underline the above with such a storied history and time roleplaying. As a character, Sulfar can fit and has been involved in all manner of events throughout the world and setting. If you have any proposals to form new hooks that may not be listed or mentioned, please feel free to approach. I am always excited to form new connections with other roleplayers.

 The BLack Temple 

Sulfar has been a demon hunter for the vast majority of his life, thus he was poised to take additional responsibility when Lord Stormrage echoed the call across the elven heartland. As a Shan'do at the Black Temple, Sulfar would be known for his affinity for spectral sight, mastery with a blade, control and restraint toward demonic magic. He was specifically an instructor assisting newly awakened Demon Hunters to grow accustomed to their spectral sight due to his supernatural affinity for the ability. If you trained at the temple, you may have encountered him or been guided by him in spectral sight usage.

 Contracts And Coin 

He is a renowned adventurer in his own right, known for taking on monster contracts, bandits, and various other deeds. The reasoning and justification behind such actions often vary. Though in particular, as the Legion fell, he has found a greater purpose in the wide world, focusing his attention on the surrounding landscape of Azeroth, be it through minor deeds or greater accomplishments. The hunter has been a part of many noteworthy adventuring groups, the two most prominent being The Blades and now Mythos. You may have encountered him upon the road.

 Outcast From Society 

The lands of the Kaldorei are the heartland for Sulfar Nightfall's hunts felwood, ashenvale, winterspring, feralas, darkshore, and even hyjal. He has been known to roam across these lands, hunting monsters, beasts, demons, and all manner of other fiends. They are well known to him, better than any area in azeroth. He has completed hundreds of hunts within this region, some large and some small, over aeons of roaming across these lands. He'd be known, perhaps by rumor, perhaps by name, and perhaps by a chance encounter. Yet ever moving, ever hunting.

 The Echoes of Suramar 

When the bubble encircling the city of Suramar was unveiled and the Legion invaded, the Highborne Demon Hunter stood ready to defend its people. What the Nightborne were suffering at the hands of the Legion resonated with the hunter personally. In many ways seeing their survival as a second chance. Known for being active within this region, he'd visit the City of Suramar from time to time. For individuals who frequent this region, there could be the possiblity you've interacted, been on a minor quest or fought alongside the hunter.

 The Warden's Gambit 

While it was once a hidden secret amongst the Wardens and Watchers of Darnassus, it would be somewhat known to the wider community. They employed the assistance of a bound Demon Hunter to infiltrate cults, hunt down especially fiendish targets, and perform all manner of different tasks. This Demon Hunter was kept on a long leash, but a leash nonetheless. This Demon Hunter was Sulfar. He was useful enough to keep around, and at times too useful to be locked away. The hunter, for a time, would walk a thin line between imprisonment and freedom, later gaining freedom after the portal to Draenor opened.

 Cursed by Noble Blood 

The bloodied halls of Eldre'thalas were why he became a Demon Hunter, and stopping the inevitability of Immol'thar was his goal, one he failed to achieve. To those who know the horrors of Eldre'thalas, and remember what took place upon that fateful day, Sulfar may be known as someone who fought against the sacrifice, doing what little he could to save a few wretched survivors and assist them in fleeing that accursed city, all while battling against the demons, fiends, and vile magi who would sacrifice their very own for power.

 Ensorcelling Sorceress 

Sulfar has been very present within the confines of Dalaran, though ever in the presence of a singular sorceress, Alissera Reth'aran. He has assisted her on missions for the Kirin Tor, large and small, while his presence was at times hidden, and at others an open secret. He has often been her shadow through a plethora of mystical encounters. It is only in recent times that the pair have seemingly abandoned Dalaran. Though it may be known that he and Alissera were very active in this region for a long span of time, particularly during the Nexus Wars.

 Dance With The Damned 

The campaign against the scourge has been one of Sulfar's many adventures; he has been part of countless expeditions in the frozen north and faced down the endless hordes of the damned. If your character has been particularly active in Northrend, or has attended any of the server campaigns there, you may be aware of Sulfar and his participation. Both able to lead a group into the dreadful depths of a necromantic crypt, and fall in line with the most dutiful paladin, he filled in the roles he needed to at any given time.